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Friday, October 14, 2011

Jauh Perjalanan Luas Pandangan

The Great Wall of China

Saad b. Abi Waqas merupakan antara sahabat Rasullah s.a.w yang awal menyebarkan Islam ke negeri China. Usaha para sahabat untuk mengembangkan syiar Islam ini merupakan sunnah Rasullah s.a.w. Kesanggupan mereka untuk berhijrah amat dikagumi.

Siapakah Saad b. Abi Waqas ini?
Saad ibn Abī Waqqās (Arabic: سعد بن أبي وقاص‎) was an early convert to Islam in 610-11 and one of the important companions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Sa'd was the seventeenth person to embrace Islam at the age of seventeen. He is mainly known for his commandership in the conquest of Persia in 636, governorship over it, and diplomatic sojourns to China in 616 and 651.
The Chinese sources that inform us of the overseas career of Sad’d ibn abi Waqqas are- the Tangshu (唐书Tang History, pub.945 CE), the Ming Geography (Ta-Ming-i-t’ing Chi 大明一統志 pub.1461) and the Minshu ( 閩書, Fujian provincial Gazetteer, pub. 1620 ). The sources state that Sa’d ibn abi Waqqas arrived in China twice and Tang records reveal that the second visit, after a gap of twenty-five years, was when he (Sa’d) headed a 15-member embassy sent by Caliph Usman Tang King Gaozhong (Kao-Tsung), by sea route; the Arab emissaries landed Canton, and reached Chang‘an (capital) on 25 August 651.
Multiple Chinese sources inform that his father (Abi Waqqas aka king Abi Waqqas or Malik abi Waqqas), came to China thrice- in 586 CE (pre-Islamic period), 628 CE and 634 CE. Following the foot-step, Sa’d too was a keen traveler and arrived in China twice- in 618 and 651. Sa’d embraced Islam early in 611 CE at the of seventeen and he was among more than hundred Sahabas (Companions of the Prophet) who were dispatched to Abyssinia by Prophet Muhammad to avoid the virulent Quraish opposition and persecution in 615. Four Sahabas including Sa’d did not return (from Abyssinia to Madinah till 622 as others did) and they were later discovered to have sailed off to China. Sa’d was accompanied by his father Abi Waqqas in his 615-18 trip and that Abi was dead in China in-between 629 and 635 and was buried there; but much confusion has been made between Abi Waqqas and Sa’d ibn abi Waqqas, prompting many to believe (“learn”) that Sa’d ibn abi Waqqas was buried in China and that “his tomb” still lies there in Canton. The tomb if any belonged to Abi Waqqas.
Menyusuri jejak Saad b Abi Waqas ini ,Jun 2010 saya dan sahabat di IPGM Kampus Perlis telah melakukan lawatan ke Beijing.
Insyaalah pada bulan Jun 2011 saya dan sahabat di IPG akan ke Shenzen, Selatan China. walaupun Saad b. Abi Waqas di sekitar Canton, insyaalah jika diizinkan Allah swt ,kami akan ke sana.

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